Voice Supplement 1+2 Review

okay sooo, this is longgg longgg over due..

I listened to these voice supplements forever ago..

I also listened to almost all of the recent Cds

Voice Supplement Vol 1:

Okay so there is this CD called “Voice supplement”

it also  has an free I phone app called “Voice supple”

(you have to buy the extra voices on the app though)

each CD has special guys  with different personalities

where their handsome voices can cure you from being sleep deprived,lonely etc.

(of whatever you need to be cured of)

um i think im kinda biased to the first Cd  *cough* a megane ikemen { a  good looking guy wearing glasses)  *cough*

Oh and another thing, they use dummy head mic!!

it is a mic used to make their voice sound soft like whispering  :O

If you love dummy head mic products you will definitely like this!



Seiyuu: Hosoya Yoshimasa – Blonde hair

height: 181cm
weight: 75kg


Seiyuu: Hatano Wataru– Dark hair

height: 178cm
weight: 63kg

Seiyuu=a voice actor

Yuuki’s personality is calming and charming

while Soushiro  can be more rough around the edges

I must say Yuuki is my favorite character not only is his voice soft and cheerful

it’s  very relaxing to listen to Hosoya as a Seiyuu too i really like his work *3* 

I  actually didn’t like Soushio’s character quite as much as i thought,

i’m  kind of a serious person

and the voice is great and all but  listening to tough voices makes it tough for me to  fall asleep  :/

i don’t have anything against characters that are on the rough side

in fact once in a while I will prefer the more rough/ serious character

but that’s depending on the voice and the character/s

sample quotes from volume 1-

Yuuki: Let me wrap up all your worries… just keep looking only at me”

SoushiroYour hands are so warm. It makes me calm just by holding them. I can feel your kindness


Voice Supplement Vol2

Voice Supplement Vol 2.

Haru (voice: Yuuki Ono)

height: 181cm
weight: 75kg

red hair

Kaede (voice: Ryouhei Kimura)

height: 178cm
weight: 63kg

brown hair 

not going to lie the  first thing that popped into my mind

with this cover was a  casual version of a Japanese “host club”

(clubs where ladies go to pay to drink/socialize/flirt with nice looking guys)

Guess what voice supplement have more than 2 cds/guys !!

I think Haru’s voice is probably my favorite xD

and that signature laugh..ohh how cute ~

I never can miss his seiyuu because that laugh is so memorable..

I really don’t have any complaints with Haru

but somehow Haru’s character look reminds me of a red haired Shu from diabolik lovers O.O

But he actually is nothing like him other than the resemblance.

its really tough to pick between character looks ..

& the biggest questions.. how in the world do i pick  an all time- absolute favorite seiyuu??

(the answer is NOOOOOOOO don’t make me pick)

I do have this weird opinion though..maybe Kimura kuns voice fits Yuukis character better?

Or maybe that is just me..hehe

sample quotes from vol 2-

Haru:  “If you’re having hard time you can tell me about it. You can rely on me. That’s what I’m for”

Kaede:  What’s wrong? Blushing by just my face coming closer. So cute. Your reactions are always cute”

– Final Conclusion:

when I first saw this app i sort of wondered about downloading it..

i was like “hmm…would i enjoy this??”

once i listened to the app i thought ….

(Shut up and take my money!!  i’m a rich lady, Oh~ hoho~ *throws money in air* )

i logged onto my email one day and saw my shocking total

I had found each track cost  ¥199 (about $1.00 US) 

(I sort of forked out  ¥2、400..)

It only asks for yen in the japan store (i have a japan itunes too)

(the game comes in english and has US dollar options unless you switch your account to  a foreign one )

– and bam! there went the rest of my otome funds-

let me tell ya this stuff adds up FAST..  \(@3@)/

well.. first reason for splurging.. both voice talents are  good

i was also in the “Oh my goodness this is my new favorite thing mode!”

or so i thought..until the end

and i at one point I  thought Yuuki was just downright adorable and sounded very affectionate~

 In the end i wondered how my money flew that fast out the window..

but then i remembered what a sucker I was=  no match for drama cds/tracks so i end up buying them…

I must personally critique..

 forking out as much money as I could on this app 

it was un expected that some of the dialogue appeared to stray further

from the characters themselves/the voice samples

although each voice pack on the iPhone app  had rough descriptions of what they were like 

with just about everything  drama Cd related 

I will most likely complain about the characters more than the seiyuu as silly as it seems 

some dialogue for me was WAYY out there/ was more straight forward than what I  unexpected

once i bought  and unlocked all the tracks O.O

(yeah….most frustrating part was listening to the same quotes over and over until i unlocked new ones.)

if you decide to fork out money expect some elements of the characters approach will change according to what voice “supplement” you pick

or at least to me that felt like it was the case..

somehow i usually liked the voices Voice supple came with the most

lovely seiyuus and great cover art though ❤ 

2 responses to “Voice Supplement 1+2 Review

  1. I love this application ! I have it since I got Ipad I think in 2011
    but I wonder who buys the rest voices ? I want to buy but I need a guide I haven’t bought any from itune ==’ not only that , I have this app in android and there is more than i apple!! so if I bought in android would be available in Ipad?

    • Hii hun, sometimes Android updates voices sooner than Apple so apple takes a little longer. i just saw that apple just added new voice but idk what all android has for voice. I’m actually considering getting android because you can get some stuff you cant get from apple. for example games like the full version of S7 for only 6.00 O.O . heres a guide on how to buy from itunes: 1. Set up an itunes account it you havent yet 2. get an itunes card /use of a a credit card. 3. theres a section on the app where you can pick from character voices “sections” you have to be connected to the internet and wait for it to download. theres also a spot where you can buy voices. it will also explain about what types of supplements that they are (if you need more help or more detailed instruction let me know ) have a nice day 🙂

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